HomeProvincial's Message
Provincial's Message

Provincial Superior
Dear Visitors,
Prayerful Greetings from Vincentian Provincial House Kottayam!
I am very happy to invite you to visit and interact with the Vincentians on this website. People who lived with St.Vincent de Paul in his Community admired the power of Vincent's communication and his ability to touch the hearts of the people. Jacques-BĂ©nigne Bossuet a renowned theologian and bishop of Vincent's time was to a certain degree envious of the Missionaries who lived with Vincent and were able to listen to him every day and he wrote, "how blessed are you who everyday could see and listen to a man so filled with God's love ", .This website is intended to give an update of the everyday lives of the Vincentians. In other words it is a challenge for the Vincentian community to attract visitors to inform and update them with the virtue of divine charity . I believe that our missionaries will transcend the technology and will share life and spirit on this forum of communication. God bless you,
Fr. Mathew Kakkattupillil VC
Provincial Superior

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