Home About Us Marymatha Province

Marymatha Province

Very Rev. Fr. Paul Puthuva
(Provincial Superior,
General Administration, Recruitment, Formation, Community Life & Auditing)

Rev. Fr. Mathew Thadathil 
(Asst. Provincial Superior,
and Councilor for Retreats, Popular Mission and Pastoral Work)

Rev. Fr. Joseph Srambical
(Councilor for Mission, Social and Charitable Works)

Rev. Fr. John Mangalath
(Provincial Secretary
Councilor for Education and Media)

Rev. Fr. Paul Tharakan
(Councilor for Finance and Construction)


Marymatha Provincial House, P.B. No. 1
Angamaly South 683 573, Kerala, India

Phone: 0091 484 - 2452336, 2453878, 2619212, 2457890 (Provincial)
Fax: 0091 484 - 2453547
E mail: marymatha@eth.net
URL: www.vincentians.in

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You are invited to sponsor a student with a donation to cover the annual education costs of one of our students.

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