Home About Us Vincentian Congregation Our Mission
Our Mission
The Congregation has taken as its motto,
'He has sent me to proclaim the Good News to the poor'
(Lk.4:18), which inspired St. Vincent de Paul.
The specific and pre-eminent purpose of the Congregation is the evangelisation of the poor, especially the more abandoned. It is realised in the popular mission, retreats, missionary work among the non-Christians, and through charitable, social and educational apostolate.
The Vincentian Congregation is a clerical society of the Syro-Malabar Archiepiscopal Church, consisting of priests and brothers. It comes under the category of the societies of common life according to the manner of religious. It is of Pontifical right.
The spirit of the Congregation is the participation in the spirit of Christ, ever active in the Church, lived and recommended by St. Vincent de Paul: an intimate, personal love of the Father, docility to the Divine Providence and an ardent, compassionate love of the poor.
Ministry of the Word
Taking upon ourselves the command to preach the Word we are engaged in Parish Retreats called Popular Mission in seven different languages. The Potta Ashram Retreat and prayer Centre and Divine Retreat Centre, Muringoor, gave rise to a whole new movement of retreat centres and prayer centres for common man in Indian Church. The movement is now spreading to other countries as well.
Ministry to the Poor
St. Vincent de Paul was not a mere social worker. He considered the poor as masters and himself as their servant. He considered serving the poor his sacred duty and as a service rendered to Jesus himself Inspired by the example of St. Vincent, the members of the Vincentian Congregation are engaged in many centres of service to the abandoned. St. Vincent's Home, in Kerala is place where Aids patients, abandoned by their families and hated by the society, are housed and served. De Paul care Centres in Six different places in Kerala, look after those affected by cancer and other incurable diseases. Divine care centre, shelters and takes care of more than 500 mental patients. Sssmile Village provides homes for the abandoned people from the streets, who belong to all age groups. ('Sssmile' stands for 'Sacred Scripture's Social Message in to Living Experience') A number of Boys' Homes provide hundreds of Children a chance for good education and job training. Many specialized projects are undertaken from time to time according to the needs of the place and people.
Ministry to the Children
Education is still the basic need of millions of children in India. The Vincentian Congregation responds to this with many schools mainly aimed at the economically weaker sections of the society. With an aim to make them economically independent, Vocational training centres too are run by the Vincentian Congregation in different parts of the country.
Ministry of the Printed Word
To make the Bible available in every house we have taken upon the responsibility to print and publish the Sacred Scripture in different Indian languages at a subsidized rate. Vachanolsavam is a monthly fully dedicated to catholic teachings and published in Eight different languages. This is done at a subsidized rate and without receiving any commercial advertisement because of the good will of a lot of people. The Congregation is also engaged in preaching the Word through television channels and other audio and video publications.
Mission Ministry
Pioneering missionary work in different parts of India and Africa finds the strong presence of Vincentian missionaries. The Good News is preached directly and through various educational, religious and social programmes braving adverse circumstances and sometimes open resistance. In various states of India and in the East African countries of Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya the message of Christ is spread through the presence and preaching of the missionaries.

Sponsor a Seminarian
You are invited to sponsor a seminarian with a donation to cover the annual education costs of one of our seminarians.
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Sponsor a Student
You are invited to sponsor a student with a donation to cover the annual education costs of one of our students.
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