HomeHousesJnanodaya Retreat Center, Hubli

Jnanodaya Retreat Center, Hubli

Jnanodaya  Retreat Center, Hubli
Jnanodaya Retreat Center, Hubli

Jnanodaya Retreat Center
Vincentian Ashram
Jnanodaya Retreat Centre
Gopankoppa, Keshwapur P.O. 580 023
Hubli, Karnataka
Tel: 0836-2283336


  • Fr. Eayalayil Mathew (Director, Fin. Officer, Chaplain - Mal.Group)
  • Fr. Kizhakkethottam Bijoy (Superior, Asso. Director, RTC & Principal Polytechnic)
  • Bro. Mandapathil Mathew (Regent)


  • Jnanodaya Retreat Centre (1998) - Tel: 0836-2283336
  • Divine Mercy Prayer Tower - Tel: 0836-3297375


Jnanodaya Retreat Center is situated at Hubli in the revenue state of Dharwad in the Northern part of Karnataka State, India and in the Diocese of Belgaum. This retreat center was opened and blessed on the 19th of January 2002 by His Grace Arch Bishop Barnard Moras, the then Bishop of the Diocese of Belgaum. But prayer meetings, minor and major Bible conventions have been conducted at Hubli on behalf of the Retreat Center, while Rev. Fr. John Arolichalil V.C. was residing at Hubli in our ashram from 1998 onwards. At that time it was known as St. John's Retreat center. Presently there are two priests at this retreat center to minister the Word of God. Rev. Cherian Kuttikkatt as superior of the ashram and Rev Fr. Fr. Mathew Indikuzhiyil as the director of the Retreat Center.

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