HomeHousesLogos Retreat Centre, Babusahibpalaya, Bangalore

Logos Retreat Centre, Babusahibpalaya, Bangalore

Logos Retreat Centre, Babusahibpalaya, Bangalore
Logos Retreat Centre, Babusahibpalaya, Bangalore

Logos retreat/Vincentian Ashram
29, PrakruthiTownship
1st Main, P.B. No 4326
Bengaluru – 560 043 Karnataka
Tel: 080–25603252,25603748,09742234234
Visit our Website: www.logosretreatcentre.com


  • Fr. Adappoor Joseph (Asst. Parish Priest, B.Ed Studies, Bangalore)
  • Fr. Antonyrajan Y. (Director of Divine Mercy Home, SpiritualDirector of the TamilMinistry and member of the Popular Mission Team)
  • Fr. Mangalathu Thomas (Parish Priest)
  • Fr. Moolecherry Joseph (Asst. Director and Asst. Administrator, Internal Auditor of the Province)
  • Fr. Padinjarekuttu Sebastian (Regional Superior; Superior V.H. & Asst. Parish Priest)
  • Fr. Vallath Joseph (Administrator, Retreat Centre & Finance Officer V.H.)
  • Fr. Vettiyankal Jose (Director)


  • Logos Retreat Centre (1997)- Tel:0091 9742234234
  • Cauvery Charitable Trust (2000)
  • Zion Prayer Tower (2000)
  • St. Joseph's Parish (2001)- Tel: 0091 9449013371
  • Logos Book Centre (2001)
  • Logos Matrimonial Service (2001)
  • Vincentian Ashram Trust (2007)
  • St. Xavier's Regional House (2010)-Tel:0091 9972756746
  • Logos Voice Magazine (201O)
  • Divine Mercy Home (2013)


Regular retreat program and renewal activities are going on in this centre. Other than the Vincentian priests, preachers from other corners were also helping in the Logos Retreat Centre. Retreats and renewal services are held in every week in Logos in different languages.

Program and activities

Residential Retreats

  • Every month two residential retreats in English from Sunday to Thursday
  • Every month one retreat in any of these regional languages. Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada.

One day Programs

  • Every Friday one day bible convention in Kannada from 10 am to 5.30 pm( all are given lunch freely)
  • Every Saturday one day bible convention in English from 10.30 am to 5.30 pm( all are given lunch freely)
  • On every second Saturday from 1.30pm to 5.30pm angels meet for the school going children(English)
  • On every second Saturday monthly recollection for religious from 10.00 am to 5.30 pm( lunch for all)
  • On every second Saturday 5.30 pm to 9.00 pm Marian night ( dinner for all)
  • Night vigils in Malayalam , Tamil, English and Kannada on every Saturdays from 10.00 pm t0 5.30 am.

Feeding the Poor

  • Every Friday feeding the poor at 1.00 pm . Attended by more than 150 poor people.

Perpetual Adoration

  • 24 X 365 days perpetual adoration and intercession
  • Every day divine mercy adoration and mass from 3.00 pm to 5.00p m (english)

Logos Voice

  • Logos voice by monthly magazine from logos

Logos Marriage bureau

  • It helps to find suitable partners for those who look for a devout family and persons.

Book Stalls

The logos book stall is a effective means for evangelization to propagate catholic faith and practices through distribution of the bibles, rosaries, pious articles, spiritual books and other materials.

Outreach Ministry

The logos team under the leadership of Fr. Joy Kalayil, VC goes to other diocese and parishes to preach the retreats. Many are looking forward to the retreats of the logos team.

St. Joseph Parish, Logos

  • Every day morning mass at 6.00 am in English
  • Everyday morning mass at 7.00 am in Malayalam

Holy Mass on Sundays

  • 6.00 am - English
  • 7.00 am - Malayalam
  • 9.00 am - Malayalam
  • 4.00 pm - Tamil
  • 5.30 pm - English
  • 9.00 am - Mass for the children.

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You are invited to sponsor a seminarian with a donation to cover the annual education costs of one of our seminarians.

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Sponsor a Student

You are invited to sponsor a student with a donation to cover the annual education costs of one of our students.

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