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De Care

De Care, in collaboration with Loyola College of Social Sciences, Thiruvananthapuram and KIMS HEALTH is undertaking a project to promote responsible screen use and combat screen addiction. In the initial phase of the intervention, Ms. Aksa Paul, the project coordinator, guided by Dr. Jasmine Sara Alexander, faculty at Loyola College, conducted a Training of Trainers (TOT) session for the MSW students. This session took place on 4th September 2024 at Loyola College under the Department of Social Work.The session covered various topics, including the different types of screens, an introduction to dopamine and its role in the brain, dopamine tolerance and its adverse effects on screen addicts, and the resulting consequences. Additionally, the health impacts of excessive screen use were discussed, highlighting the long-term effects on physical, mental, and social well-being.A major focus of the training was gaming disorder, which the cadets would later address when conducting sessions for children in the community as part of the intervention's initial phase. Ms. Paul explained that recommended screen time varies by age and provided strategies for managing children during community sessions. She also offered remedies for screen addiction, encouraging the cadets to apply these practices in their own lives while teaching children the importance of their role in the community.


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